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    Depression in Women

    Women are more likely to experience depression in life due to the fact that women undergo the up and down of hormones depending on their menstrual cycle, medications, pregnancies, and other already existing health conditions. The whole picture of depression is painted in the chemicals in the brain that alter moods, apatite, sleep, and emotions, and interestingly enough these are exactly the same things that the hormones women have flowing through their bodies at all times change as well. The corresponding similarities seem to make it much easier for women to fall pray to the up and downs in life and take more of a down side turn.
    Any woman will tell you that their menstrual cycle changes a lot of things in their body, moods, cravings, and pains. Some are effected the week before, while others are the week of or after. Everyone is different but one thing remains true, those changing hormones change you, and sometimes not for the better. Premenstrual dysphoric disorder is the disorder directly related to women who experience depression usually the week before they menstruate. These few women experience not only depression but many other problems linked with it such as anxiety, stress, and mood swings major enough to disrupt their daily life and routine.
    Many people around the globe are on medications for a variety of reasons, from the common cold, to helping with the pain from cancer. Women are no different. The difference in women is that women are the ones on birth control. Birth control works because of it’s different levels of hormones. Birth control pills, patches, shots, implants, and rings pump these levels of hormones into your body to halt you from getting pregnant. These levels of hormones can disrupt your thyroid hormone you create in your body. The thyroid hormone is linked to growth, development, cardiovascular system, metabolism, and central nervous system, all of which can create a depressed state if not careful. The major reasons why this effects you is the metabolism, central nervous systems, and your cardiovascular systems. These combined can make you drowsy, increase you heart rate, change your moods constantly, or make you very sluggish in mind and body. These combined with the change in metabolism, which will change your eating habits have a sad way of dragging women down and placing them into a depressed state.
    The same principals apply with women dealing with pregnancy, whether you are due shortly, have had you child a few months ago, or even up to one year later you may experience something similar to the “baby blues”. The difference between baby blues and pre or postpartum depression is the length, and strength of the symptoms. Pre or Postpartum depression is very drawn away from people and especially your child. It can be a very serious problem that can lead you you neglecting your baby.
    Those with already existing health conditions are also prone to experience depression due to the existing condition. When there are mental, physical, or any other health condition, it can bring you into a saddening state by seeing others around you, many feel alone, and excluded, and it’s whether or not you stay into that saddened state that will dictate that you have depression.